Charlotte Rogers

Charlotte's love of birds started when she was a small child. Her family kept a large aviary in the back yard complete with various types of Parrots. Throughout the years, she's worked and volunteered for various bird sanctuaries. At home, she has a huge natural bird feeder on her back deck and a natural hummingbird garden. Her favorite animals are never far.

Best Bird Bath Fountain Ideas: Because Your Feathered Friends Deserve a Water Feature!

To say that my husband and I are very into backyard birding, would be an understatement. We have had various bird feeders, bird baths, and bird fountains in our garden for the past ten years. A few years ago, we decided to count the number of species we saw in 12 months and we totaled

Best Bird Bath Fountain Ideas: Because Your Feathered Friends Deserve a Water Feature! Read More »

Green-breasted Mango Guide – The Explorer Hummingbird

The green-breasted mango is a neotropical hummingbird and a particular favorite of mine. Despite their extensive range and relatively large population, they are not a common sight. This is because the green-breasted mango is an explorer! This species of hummingbird is not migratory. However, it is known to travel large distances to scope out new

Green-breasted Mango Guide – The Explorer Hummingbird Read More »

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